Friday, December 30, 2011

The Case for Universal and Integrated Health Care in India

In an Op Ed published yesterday in the New Indian Express, I describe the current crisis of health service delivery in India. I argue that while we certainly need to increase health spending in India, more importantly, we need to reflect upon the failures of health policy over the last 60 years that have resulted in the current crisis. I analyse three chief failures of health policy in India and argue why we need to move toward provision of universal health care within an integrated health care system. I also make some suggestions as to initial steps in this direction.

Some excerpts from the article are as follows:

India’s health care system is in crisis. Health indicators are dismal. One quarter of the world’s total maternal deaths every year occur in India. 47 per cent of all children in India are underweight. This is more than the number for the entire continent of Africa. India’s health system failures are usually attributed to the chronically low levels of health spending. In most countries of the world, government spending on health care constitutes a significant proportion of total health spending partly because health care constitutes a “public good” and also because health spending enables poverty reduction and greater social equity.

Despite increases in spending in recent years, total yearly health spending in India as a percentage of GDP is approximately 4.5 per cent, thereby contributing to India’s rank of 153 out of 193 countries with respect to total expenditure on health per capita. However, government expenditure on health is only a quarter of total health spending with the bulk of the expenditure being private expenditure. The impact of this spending inequality has severe consequences in a country where 42 per cent of the population lives below the international poverty line of $1.25 per day and an even greater proportion of the population relies on public health facilities.

Today, there is recognition that the government must increase health spending in India. The stated goal of the National Rural Health Mission launched in 2005 was to increase health expenditure from 0.9 per cent of GDP to 2-3 per cent of GDP in the next 5 years. However, despite increases in government health spending, this target has not been met so far.
While India’s neglect of health spending is significant, India’s health policy failures are graver because they mean that whatever little is spent on health is not used effectively to ensure better health service delivery. Within India’s federal constitutional framework, state governments possess primary responsibility for public health and sanitation, including both the funding, programmatic and structural development of health care systems, hospitals and dispensaries. Yet the central government significantly influences health policy through its “Five Year Plans” and centrally sponsored schemes.

India’s health policy since independence has been marked by three chief failures that have contributed to the current health care crisis. First, there has been an absence of a political commitment to realise universal health care. Second, the shift in budgetary and policy priorities toward the creation of vertical disease eradication programmes and family planning during the 1960s and 1970s, which gained even greater impetus during the emergency, have resulted in a decline of institutional health capacity and prevented the creation of an integrated health infrastructure in India. Third, where piecemeal disease eradication programmes as opposed to universal health care programmes have in fact been implemented, they have proved to be both ill conceived and cost ineffective.

The need of the hour is a serious rethink of health policy in favour of establishing a universal and integrated health care system. Toward this end, government health spending must in fact be increased to 2-3 per cent of GDP. The NUHM must be launched as soon as possible and integrated with NRHM. Both the NUHM and NRHM must become a permanent feature of our Five-Year Plans and not dependent on the budgetary priorities of future governments. However, serious, transparency, accountability and bureaucratic failures plague health service delivery in India, particularly in the poorest states. Continuous monitoring and audit of health schemes is imperative for India’s health care system. PDS, ICDS and the mid day meal schemes should be integrated with the NRHM and NUHM.

The Op Ed can be accessed at the following link:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this informative post on "The Case for Universal and Integrated Health Care in India ". Poor Governance is one of the most important factor behind failure of health system in India.No significant study in India has analyzed the causes of this situation and excessive. Many health articles publish on this issue but no effected result found.
